Friday, 31 October 2008


Facing up college life is an event that many dread, others nervously anticipate, and few get excited about and I really didn’t imagine that living my college life would be far better like this. At first, I thought it was all about entering the classroom, having little chit chats with your blockmates during the break, meeting few friends and seeing myself drowned in studying lectures just like what others are saying. But I found my self laughing with that BIG JOKE. Being in J was too different.

Instead of dreading the return to class, I started to get excited about it. I’m really surprised when I saw myself in the classroom not just to learn but also of the social life I have with J. I found them as one of my motivations in this course which I really didn’t want to take up. While to others, the grades we are in make a difference, being in J is a wonderfully unique experience where we focus more on how to live life not just academically. It’s not just having chit chats during the break but the whole day even during classes. It’s not just meeting very few friends but being friends with all the blockmates you have as well as the professors. It’s not all about studying but more on partying. Hell yeah, PARTY. Everyday seems to be a party whenever I’m with them. They really make me feel good about being myself.

Being in J is discovering you not just as an individual but more on a part of a social group. Highs, lows, emotions, romance, friendships, relationships, surviving, jackass, joy, sadness, broken hearts, academic, love, status, sports, temptations, shots, GMs, ff, sex (haha) are some of the words that all come to mind with the letter J.

I would not forget those times we’ve shared together. From simply laughing in every punch line, pick-up lines, adlibs, green jokes especially the “anaconda thing” and so on and so forth to gossips, cheatings and making cheat sheets, food trips, sharing problemsabout grades to a pet died to love life to family things, etc., cutting classes, playing computer games together, drinking sessions, sleepovers. We spend time together because we truly enjoy each others’ company. We don't sit around and worry about whether they like us or how long the friendship will last because there's enough trust and acceptance that we don't need to question so many things. And with that, I’ll always treasure the friendship built between each of us.

I would not say goodbye my friends, I'll just say I'll miss you, until we meet again. Keep in touch!

J is still the best block ever. I love you guys. I always will.

With Love,

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